Hello my dears!! I hope you all are doing absolutely fantastic!
I come to you today because I have a
BURNING testimony to share with you all. It's very simple, and some may not even see the significance in it, but it's my heart's desire that someone is encouraged by this.
So here goes...
I work in a hospital that specializes in treatment and care for patients with cancer, and am one of the front line staff working with patients. Today, the doctor I work for requested a
very important document that he needed to review before seeing a particular patient (who he is seeing tomorrow in his clinic) that would help determine the course of action for the specific cancer that she has.
I called a family member of this patient and asked her for the number where I can locate the document and the family member goes
ballistic on the phone. I am very understanding, because it is a sensitive issue and she and I both understand that without this document, her family member's care and treatment can be delayed even further, which is, obviously not ideal. I finally get a number from her but when I called the number,
the person was of NO help at all. I started to get worried, because of the importance of the document and the responsibility that was on me to retrieve it.
I had a take a break to go to a meeting and when I came back from the meeting and was walking back to my office (which is in another building) I
determined in my heart that God can do ANYTHING and if he can heal me (post about that will probably come afterwards) then he can definitely help me get this piece of paper that I needed. I walked back to my office saying over and over in my mind,
"I will get this document by the end of the day, in Jesus name". I said it with faith and I 100% believed it.
I get back to my desk full of faith and ready to see the paper I need in the fax machine...but I didn't. However, I did NOT let this discourage me in any way at all. Then I received an email from my co-worker stating that the lady I was working with earlier to retreive the document said she couldn't help anymore and was leaving for the day.
Upsetting right??? ...wrong! That didn't stop me from believing. I kept on saying, if God can heal a BODY then He can get a peice of paper to me lol.
Long story short, I ended up speaking with someone who was able to help me. Though it wasn't in the way I orginally expected, the person ensured me that the document will be ready to send by tomorrow when the patient is seeing the doctor.
Relieved, I called the patient to inform her, to only find out that someone else in another department who used to work at the other facility,
was able to get the report in no time and she had the document IN HER HAND! When I tell you I
REJOICED!! and as of right now, my nurse has the document and is going to fax it to me any minute now.
I know those may seem minute, but it just goes to show that
God is TRULY able to do ANYTHING!! No matter how big or small it may seem!
I hope that this is encouraging to someone out there!!
Whatever you need God to do, BELIEVE, don't let your faith be moved, and I KNOW that He'll come through for you!! =D