Monday, October 3, 2011

Glorifying God In Your Body

Hey my darlings!! I hope you all are doing absolutely FABULOUS!!

STOP: Be aware that this post is not like many of the others but, there's more than one way to unplug the gospel, right? =) PLAY

I haven't blogged in a while cuz I've been super busy lol. One of the things I've been occupying my time with is getting my body together.

I'll let you all in on a little personal history on me. For most of my life, I've always been the "thick girl" and I've had a constant battle with my weight. I was at my smallest in high school and I reached my heaviest after my first year out of college (yeah, that wasn't too long ago at all).

Anyway, as of late (the last month) I've decided to get myself together. But, before I go any further, I have to clarify what I mean by "get myself together". I had to realize that losing weight is not only about weight but about treating me - my body, my spirit, my soul, everything that is ME - properly. I'm reminded of 1 Cor 6:20 which states, "...therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

This scripture helped me realized that my body is HIS and if He dwells IN my body, I should be treating my body with the utmost respect and love. This goes beyond the sexual context that most people reference it for, but it also means, I need to watch what I put in my body; what kinds of food I eat, what kind of toxins I consume, etc.

Therefore, this is NOT a diet (I repeat, NOT a diet) but it's something I'm doing to better me, my life, and my body. My body deserves to be treated right =)

I'm saying all of this to say that, in my upcoming posts about food, I'll probably mix it up and show some healthy food options, recipes, and places where you can go to eat a GREAT healthy meal! Whoot-whoot!! Hope you all are ready for the ride!! So far I've lost 11 pounds and I have to lose 29 more to get to my goal (and I feel GREAT!)!!!

I've never done this before so, y'all pray for me as I unplug the gospel in a NEW way!!


1 comment:

  1. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN THINKING AND STRUGGLING WITH! I love this post and it really inspires me because I know others out there view purity as maintaining a healthy temple also! I'm encouraged to keep going! You do the same!
