Hey Everyone!! =)
So, in the post I wrote about a month ago, Glorifing God In Your Body, I told you all that I would be back with cool recipes that I've been using as I'm on this lifestyle change journey sooooooo, here I am to share with you a recipe that is TOTALLY easy and pretty healthy too!! I'll be talking about what has become my favorite as of late, TILAPIA! =)
Before I go into detail about that, I want to give you all a quick update. Since the previous post, I have lost another 4lbs which means I have lost 15lbs in total and I now only have 20 more lbs to go before I reach my goal!! whooty-whoot!! lol =) I've cut out a lot of meat (which is why I'm totally addicted to fish and seafood now lol) and I cut down on eating too many carbs. Surprisingly, my taste buds are starting to change also! The other day, I had a Resses Peanut Butter Cup (my most favorite chocolate in the WORLD lol) and it was TOTALLY too sweet (to my disappointment) and I couldnt eat the whole thing =(. I guess that's a good thing though lol. Anyway, now, back to the topic at hand, tilapia!
Now, the reason why I like tilapia so much is because, not only does it taste good BUT it's SUPER easy and quick to cook! It's perfect to cook quick fast after work without having to worry about being in the kitchen for hours at a time. So, here's what I do:
1. Start off with my powdered seasonings; I use black pepper, garlic powder, and fish seasoning and make sure to spread it over both sides of the fish.
2. Then I go to the real stuff (lol) and chop up some onions, peppers, scallion, thyme, and okra (because I LOOOVE me some okra! lol) and plop those right on top.
3. Put a little bit of margarine on the fish (so that it doesn't dry up and it gives it REALLY good flavor)
4. Wrap it all up in foil
5. Put it in the oven at 350 degrees and let it cook for about 20 minutes.
THAT'S IT!! lol - it's soooo easy. And what's great is that, you can put any seasoning on it that you happen to like and it'll still be good! AND you can pair it with anything: rice, a baked potatoe, or vegetables, and there's your meal! =)
soooo, you should ALL try it and let me know how it comes out!! =)
Now, before I go, I just want to let you know what I've been learning through this journey from a spiritual stand point. Much like any journey, it hasn't been easy. God has been teaching me discipline and the importance of balance! I definitely do NOT deprive myself of everything "bad". I have a piece of cake, chocolate, pizza, or whatever else that I see as a treat and I don't feel bad about it. Why? Because balance is KEY not only to this journey but to LIFE! With that being said, I want to leave you with this scripture found in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well". Life isn't about ONLY seeking the Kingdom (though that should be the FIRST thing we do), but God wants us to balance everything in our NATURAL life as well !! For me, that means good health, for you it may mean a sound mind, peace, even wealth! Whatever it may be, seek God then ask Him to help you balance it into your life! =)