TRU Praise started off their set with "Choose Christ". This is by far my favorite song on the album. I love what it represents, the anthem in which it has, and the vigor that it must be sung with. Followed by that was, All the Time, The Calling, Fix My Heart, and Glad. These songs have not only become permanent fixture in TRU's performance, but it has become something that was made to make a difference and their music is clearly making a difference in and around New York City. Great job TRU Praise!! To purchase "The Journey" (
From beginning to end this was pure energy from an awesome group and we finally got to hear their story. If you want more information on TRU Praise you can go to their website:, Twitter: @TRUPraise, and FaceBook:
Don't forget to follow Gospel Unplugged on Twitter: @UnpluggedGospel, and "LIKE" our FaceBook Page:
Shout out to Sam Milord (@ohMilord) for awesome pics!!!!
Thank you for reading and I hope you come back again! #unplugthegospel
Terrence (@terrencecharles)